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  • chiara23lombardo

The history of video production

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

The history of video production may be traced back to Joseph Niepce's first black-and-white photograph, which he took in 1826. A few years later, in 1832, Joseph Plateau invented the phenakistoscope ("spindle viewer"), which was the first to simulate moving images. Following that, John Wesley Hyatt developed and patented celluloid in 1870 for use as a photographic film foundation.

Various English photographers were employing the zoopraxiscope in 1878 to capture the motions of animals using multiple photographs. The technique of employing closely shot photos to create the illusion of motion (similar to Plateau's spindle viewer) was popular at this time.

Since the production is constantly led by the purpose in mind, video production differs depending on the type of video being produced. For any form of video production, there is now a wide range of methods and equipment to choose from. Multiple fantasy films currently combine both live action and animation techniques, which can be considered as a synthesis of video production techniques from different ages.

Today's video productions are often colorful videos with well-arranged soundtracks, a far cry from the 19th century, when video production was limited to silent black-and-white films. With today's technology, even the average person can now generate full-length films with just their smartphone.

Today's video productions are often colorful videos with well-arranged soundtracks, a far cry from the 19th century, when video production was limited to silent black-and-white films. Even the typical man may now generate full-length films with only their mobile phone thanks to modern technologies. These days, it appears that the only limit to this particular art genre is our own creativity.

Video creation will remain a dynamic technological affair as long as 21st-century video producers continue to challenge and stretch the capabilities of existing equipment and technology.

With this blog series, we are going to be talking about how to make your own videos for any platform such as: Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc. Plus what you require to create, make, and editing videos.

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