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Ted Talk: Pierre Barreau

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

Name: How AI could compose a personalized soundtrack to your life

Speaker: Pierre Barreau

Pierre Barreau is an entrepreneur, computer scientist, composer and director who loves to create impactful things.

"The past is just a story we tell ourselves." Her

What does it sound like for Beethoven to compose for you, tailored to your story? Isn't it exciting?

Musician and engineer Barreau comes up with the idea of ​​producing a composer working with artificial intelligence when Her movie’s character Samantha composes music to capture her moments. This artificial intelligence program called AIVA -Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist- has learned the art of composing music by reading over 30,000 scores of history’s greatest.

AIVA looks for patterns in compositions using deep neural networks. Based on a few measures in existing music, she tries to figure out which notes should come later in the piece. When AIVA is successful in these deductions, she can create its own original composition by determining some mathematical rules for a certain type of music. For personalized composition, more than thirty category tags (mood, note density, style of the composer of the piece, era in which it was written, etc.) are shown to the algorithm. In this way, she is able to respond to requests with finesse.

Click on the link to listen to AIVA from its creator and to listen to "The Age of Amazement" composed by AIVA for the said Ted talk.

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